A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance
Historic Christianity and the Federal Vision by Dewey Roberts is a response to a new twist on the old problem of legalism and a defense of the unchanging gospel. The Federal Vision teaches salvation by both moral works and ceremonial works. It is leading the church back into Catholicism and the views opposed by the Protestant reformers. The author carefully exposes and dismantles the views of the Federal Vision in twenty-two distinct chapters. The false teachings of the Federal Vision on regeneration, grace, baptism, justification by faith, perseverance, election, and several others are elucidated herein.
Dr. R. C. Sproul:
This is a marvelous critique of the Federal Vision heresy and an outstanding piece of writing.
Geoffrey B. Thomas, Pastor, Alfred Place Baptist Church, Wales:
The armies are at the gates of the City of God today. But there are watchmen awake and alert who have not been bought by the smiles of the enemies. So this book is essential and gripping reading.
Michael A. Milton, Ph.D.:
The power of the Federal Vision has been that it has drawn extraordinarily gifted ministers, many of them being young ministers, filled with commendable enthusiasm for the things of God, as well as hard-working older shepherds who have grown understandably discontent with the vacuous pop-worship and dry-creek-bed-evangelicalism of the day. I am thankful to commend this book. Dewey, is the right man at the right time to shed Gospel light on the shadows encircling the question and subsidiary questions of the Federal Vision.
Find out more and read a sample chapter HERE.
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Historic Christianity and the Federal Vision: A Theological Analysis and Practical Evaluation