Published on June 11, 2018 by Joshua R Monroe

Baker Academic, 2018 | 325 pages

A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance


Just a brief heads up for our readers about an important new book on the apostles of Christ. Brian Shelton scours the ancient sources – biblical and otherwise – to give us one of the fullest accounts of the lives and work of the apostles in the first century available. His work provides an excellent link from biblical studies to church history. Certainly a resource no study of the apostles would want to be without.


Here are two of the endorsements provided by the publisher:

Robert W. Yarbrough, Covenant Theological Seminary:

Shelton combines a historian’s knowledge of the sources, a scholar’s respect for learning, a journalist’s eye for detail, and a believer’s awe before the transcendent. Here is a full accounting of the few brave men Jesus of Nazareth used to rock the world in ways still unfolding. It will inform and inspire all who seek to understand and connect with the early Christian legacy as preserved in historical sources, ancient literature and legends, art and artifacts, and critical reconstruction. This recovery of the apostles’ full humanity in history enhances their testimony to the Savior who sent them forth.

Rebecca Rine, Grove City College:

Many of us know the apostles by name but have only a general sense of who they were and how they impacted the early church. Here, in a single volume, Shelton consolidates centuries of historiography into an accessible introduction to the men Jesus knew best, enabling us to sift through all the facts, stories, legends, and images that have accrued over time. Readers who join Shelton on his quest will come away with deeper knowledge not only of the apostles themselves but also of the New Testament, the early church, and the craft of historiography.

You can see our Author Interview here.

Fred Zaspel

Buy the books

Quest for the Historical Apostles: Tracing Their Lives and Legacies

Baker Academic, 2018 | 325 pages

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