A Brief Book Notice from Books at a Glance
Whether you’re teaching children in a preschool, operating a cash register at a fast-food restaurant, or performing complex surgeries in emergency situations, you have the power to change the world. God knows the good you do when you serve him faithfully at work, even if you don’t see it yourself.
The product of twenty years of thought, Work: Its Purpose, Dignity, and Transformation ennobles and motivates men and women in their labors. Providing historical background and inspiring stories of God-honoring workers, Daniel Doriani explains the Bible’s teaching on the nature, glory, misery, and eventual restoration of work. You will learn what it means to be faithful at work, even in risky places, and what steps you can take to transform your workplace and the world through the reformation of work.
About the Author
Daniel M. Doriani is vice president of strategic academic projects and professor of theology at Covenant Theological Seminary. Previously he was senior pastor of Central Presbyterian Church in Clayton, Missouri.
Timothy Keller:
An important contribution. . . . Provocative and helpful.
D. A. Carson, Research Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School:
The last few years have witnessed a flurry of books that treat a Christian view of work. This is the best of them. Well written, historically comprehensive, theologically informed, exegetically sensitive, this is now the ‘must read’ volume on the subject.
Scotty Smith, Pastor Emeritus, Christ Community Church, Franklin, Tennessee:
With a high view of creation, a great love for the gospel, and the hope of Christ’s kingdom stirring in his heart, Dan has given us a wonderful introduction to a biblical theology of work. It is accessible, practical, and brimming with Dan’s wonderful personality.