Published on June 9, 2017 by Joshua R Monroe

Shephard Press, 2017 | 128 pages


A useful book on prayer is always a good find. A book that calls our attention to the value and practice of corporate prayer is a good find also. This little book from Paul Tautges does both, and we are very happy to commend it to you for use individually, small groups, and Sunday Schools.


Selected Quotes:

  • A life of prayer is irrefutable proof of God-dependency.
  • Prayer is the only form of communication with God available to the believer.
  • One of the pleasures of God is to take ordinary, common sinners, redeem them, and then empower them with the Spirit to walk in God-dependency.
  • Paul was convinced that the same God who produces endurance in the hearts of believers would also join together their truth-informed minds in order that they might “with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Rom. 15:6).
  • Devotion to prayer turns common people into uncommon servants of God.
  • God is delighted when his people join their truth-informed minds and hearts together in the common bond of prayer.
  • Prayerlessness is the most subtle disclosure of our independence from God and is our depraved heart’s own declaration of sovereignty.
  • Surely a significant part of our resistance to the attacks and temptations of the devil is a healthy dependence upon God’s strength which is expressed most obviously through prayer.
  • Our understanding of the reality of spiritual warfare greatly influences whether or not we will develop the habit of Goddependent prayer.
  • Thankfulness protects us from the prideful thought that we possess even an ounce of virtue in and of ourselves that obligates God to listen to us.
  • As important as it is for us to stress the value of constant prayer in the life of an individual believer, it is equally significant that we cultivate that same spirit of God-dependency in our communities of faith, our local churches.
  • Praying in Jesus’ name means acknowledging that his death and resurrection have opened prayer’s door.
  • Praying in Jesus’ name means praying for that which will bring God the most glory.
  • Praying in Jesus’ name means praying in submission to His revealed will.
  • Though our hearts may sometimes doubt the goodness of all that God has brought into our lives, we can rest assured that, according to his wisdom, our heavenly Father only does what is good for us.
  • Our government leaders need us. They need us to pray for them with all diligence. This obedient habit pleases God, but is also a means of making a difference for the sake of righteousness in our world and for the sake of the gospel for all eternity.


Endorsement from Brian Croft:

Another book on prayer? Yes! When it is this biblically sound and practically helpful. Paul Tautges has done a tremendous service to both pastors and church members with this little gem of a book. Pastors, you hold in your hands a local church blueprint to lead your church to a fresh focus of both corporate and private prayer. Like all his writings, Tautges is a careful expositor of Scripture and guides us through it like a loving pastor longing for us to meet with God and trust him more. I highly recommended this book!


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Shephard Press, 2017 | 128 pages

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