Published on May 26, 2015 by Jim Zaspel

Crossway, 2015 | 176 pages

Are you an “accidental feminist”? Do you understand and pursue your created role as a woman? Or do you just default to the changing norms of society? Courtney Reissig writes to help think through some of the issues involved.

Quote & Unquote

  • “Part of my rebellion against things that I deemed too domestic or feminine was rooted in my misunderstanding of what it means to be a Christian woman.” p.15
  • “Recovering from feminism and embracing God’s idea of womanhood is far more than a throwback to a 1950s television show.” p.16
  • “What I failed to understand was that true freedom cannot be found in independence from authority at all. True freedom is found in understanding our Creator and how he wants us to live.” p.17
  • “What feminism did was slowly erase the differences between men and women. Equality now means sameness.” p.18
  • “Our understanding of who God created us to be as women has everything to do with our display of him to a watching world.” p.23
  • “One of the lasting impacts of feminist thought over the last one hundred years is the idea that womanhood is culturally learned, not something inherent to us as created beings. The fact that little girls want to grow up to be mothers, homemakers, or anything domestic owes only to cultural pressure, not God-given desire.” p.28
  • “In the mind of the culture, men and women are interchangeable in their functions on this earth. But are they?” p.28
  • “This shatters the feminist notion that to emphasize the gender distinctions for women automatically makes us inferior. It can’t. The biblical understanding of gender is that both genders were created in the image of God.” p.32
  • “Eve imaged God in two distinct ways: as helper and as lifegiver. She was uniquely able to complete Adam as a helper in the divine calling of ruling God’s creation.” p.33
  • “For all the talk about women advancing, defining themselves, and being on the same playing field as men, for the most part women still expect something from the men in their lives. That expectation is rooted in our differences as male and female.” p.46
  • “So what does this mean for you? It means that motherhood is a good and wise thing. The very fact that you were created as female means that you were designed to be a mother.” p.54
  • “Submission is a willing decision to bridle your strength out of respect for your husband, but ultimately out of obedience to God and reverence for his Word…. Submission is also an act of trusting in God and his work in our lives.” p.73
  • “Biblical submission does not require women to submit to all men all the time.” p.76
  • “God has a purpose for the local church. And we don’t get to change that purpose.” p.132
  • “Just as feminism has told women that anything a man can do women can do just the same, it has encouraged women to clamor only for what men do, and to belittle “traditional” women’s activities.” p.136
  • “The Bible show us that men and women are different because together they showcase God’s image.” p.154
  • “When we get womanhood wrong, we tell a wrong story about Christ’s relationship with his bride. We tell a wrong story about God.” p.155
  • “The ultimate mark of womanhood is hoping in God alone.” p.158

Table of Contents

     Chapter 1.  What It Means to Be a Woman (and Not a Man)
     Chapter 2.  What Women Want
     Chapter 3.  Do We Have to Talk about Submission?
     Chapter 4.  My Body on Display
     Chapter 5.  God’s Design for the Home
     Chapter 6.  Women in the Church
     Chapter 7.  Restoration Is Possible


Buy the books

The Accidental Feminist: Restoring Our Delight In God’s Good Design

Crossway, 2015 | 176 pages

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