The value of reading Scripture in multiple languages on the same page has long been recognized, and the value of reading Scripture in its original language — well, that’s been recognized since the beginning. Interlinear Bibles — Bibles that provide both the text in both the original language and in translation — have long been in demand, and continuing its obvious goal to provide helpful tools for the study of Scripture in the ESV, Crossway has just released their new The Hebrew-English Interlinear ESV Old Testament.
The interlinear is of course designed for students whose Hebrew is not advanced, a helpful tool for keeping up with their Hebrew reading at a quick pace. In turn it becomes a resource for doing “word studies” as the reader begins to recognize recurring expressions in varying contexts. The editor of this interlinear is well aware of the “semantic range” of various words, but as far as reasonably possible he has sought to provide glosses that are considered a given Hebrew word’s “basic meaning” consistently in its repeated occurrences.
The Hebrew text is that of the recognized Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (5th ed.). The books of the biblical canon are arranged according to the accepted English versions, not the TaNaK. The pages continue with right hand turns, as English, but the Hebrew text reads right to left, with English glosses (translations) underneath each Hebrew word, and the text of the ESV in the side margin to compare. An “essentially literal” translation, the ESV fares well for this format. Along with the Hebrew and English text, both the ESV marginal notes and the Masorah Parva and critical apparatus of the BHS are provided also, as well as some helpful explanations for them found in the Introduction. The pages are well laid out, and text, translations, and marginal notes all are easy on the eye.
A resource of long-recognized value especially for students who want to keep up with their Hebrew. View the promo video from Crossway.
Hebrew-English Interlinear ESV Old Testament Product Overview from Crossway on Vimeo.
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The Hebrew-english Interlinear Esv Old Testament