Published on June 4, 2018 by Joshua R Monroe

Christian Focus, 2016 | 160 pages

Reviewed by Paul Tautges

The premise of this little book is this: “Jesus Christ redeemed our time.” For the Christian, this is a fundamental truth impacting every one of our decisions, including how we use our time. Since the believer now belongs to God, the use of our time is part of the stewardship of our lives.


3 Main Sections

The book is divided into three sections, which I briefly summarize here.

1. What our days are made of.

Our time on earth is limited, due to the fall of man. Therefore, we must assess what we fill our days with. “We are all eternal beings who have entered into time, but our time is running out. Our bodies will expire and we will return to the eternity we were designed to live, if we are in Jesus Christ.” In this section, the author challenges the reader to evaluate their hobbies, determine if pursuits are eternal or trivial, and watch out for busyness that results in having no time for God.

2. Biblical practices that assist our days.

Since the believer is under new ownership, we must evaluate our activities through the lens of stewardship. The practice of Sabbath rest encourages us to remember our limitations and keep the worship of God a priority.

3. Practically numbering your days.

In this third, and final, section, the Perrit offers valuable counsel. Based upon average lifespans, “Do the math and determine how much time you may have left,” the author says. This will help you make hard decisions about what non-negotiables will fill each 24-hour day. How much time will you spend in prayer? How will you keep family priorities? Use a timer for social media. These are just a few of the areas where the reader will be challenged.


Practical Counsel

This book contains much helpful counsel in a gracious yet convicting manner. Never is the reader scolded, but frequently he is challenged toward self-evaluation with heart-searching questions. This book will be beneficial to any believer who senses the need to take a moment to reflect and evaluate his priorities and time management. The book ends with a specific charge to men, as well as a recommended list of books to read.


Paul Tautges is senior pastor of Cornerstone Community Church in Mayfield Heights, Ohio.

Buy the books

Your Days are Numbered: A Closer Look at How We Spend Our Time and the Eternity Before Us

Christian Focus, 2016 | 160 pages

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