A Brief Book Summary from Books At a Glance
by Steve West
About the Author
Michael P.V. Barrett is Academic Dean and Professor of Old Testament at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary.
Table of Contents
Part 1: Whom to Look For
- Jesus the Messiah
- The Person of Christ
- The Work of Christ
Part 2: Where to Look
- Christ in the Covenants
- Christ in Person
- Christ in His Names
- Christ in Word Prophecy
- Christ in Picture Prophecy—Explained
- Christ in Picture Prophecy—Illustrated
- Christ in Song
Chapter 1: Jesus the Messiah
The prophets didn’t know when Christ would appear, but they knew that he would. When it comes to reading the Bible, Christ is the key that opens up the Old Testament. Christ is a term that helps us understand who Jesus is and how he fulfills God’s plan of salvation. In Hebrew, messiah refers to someone who has been set apart by being anointed. (Christ is the Greek term for messiah.) Kings, priests, and prophets were anointed and set apart for special responsibilities. God chose the individuals to call and anoint, knowing them and determining their roles. Messiahs were given authority in the context of their callings. Besides authority, they were given the necessary power to discharge the obligations of their offices. Kings, priests, and prophets were to minister in the power of the Spirit. Christ is “the Messiah of all messiahs.” The Old Testament looked forward to a coming figure who would fulfill the requirements of all three messianic offices, serving as the perfect prophet, priest, and king. Sinners need a prophet to reveal, a priest to reconcile, and a king to reign. Jesus was chosen by God for his messianic work. He was chosen to provide atonement and be the Savior. He was given authority and accredited by God. He was given power by the Holy Spirit so that he could save his people from their sins. The Gospels and the rest of the New Testament bear witness to these realities over and over again. A prophet’s job is to speak God’s words and represent him to the people: Jesus did this perfectly because he is God. His every word was from God, and Jesus also foretold the future. He also performed miracles and wonders. The Book of Hebrews makes it crystal clear that Jesus is the perfect high priest, replacing and fulfilling the Old Covenant shadows and cultic types. Christ is the supreme king, sovereign over all as God, and invested as the king of God’s people in terms of his messianic office. Christ’s rule is universal, cannot be resisted or overcome, and is marked by gracious providence. . . .
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