Published on February 20, 2020 by Benjamin J. Montoya

Reformation Heritage Books, 2018 | 148 pages

A Brief Book Summary from Books at a Glance

By Jesse Payne


About the Author

John Crotts is the pastor of Faith Bible Church in Sharpsburg, Georgia.



Graciousness: Tempering Truth with Love stems from Crotts’ personal experience as a young Christian facing theological debate through his 22-year pastorate at Faith Baptist Church in Sharpsburg, Georgia. Alongside this personal experience, Crotts draws upon his doctoral program in biblical spirituality at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.


Table of Contents

  1. Why This Issue Is Important for You
  2. The Graciousness You Need
  3. Learning from the Gracious Example of Jesus Christ
  4. Learning from Paul
  5. The Truth about an Ungracious Church
  6. Cultivating Graciousness in Your Heart
  7. Cultivating a Gracious Mind-Set toward Others
  8. Cultivating Graciousness through Your Actions
  9. Cultivating Graciousness in Community
  10. The Gospel and Graciousness


Book Summary


Chapter 1: Why This Issue Is Important for You

When Christians have important things to say, they can easily go unheard or unheeded because of how they speak. A harsh tone or critical spirit can be a roadblock to effective communication. This is especially dangerous for zealous Christians who love the truth. However, the antidote to an unhealthy harshness regarding the truth is not a minimizing of doctrine; rather, it is a maximizing of the fruit of the Spirit, particularly in the areas of love, gentleness, and kindness. As in all things, Jesus Christ is the perfect example of how one should wed grace and truth in speaking to others. Graciousness: Tempering Truth with Love is designed to be a practical resource to help readers “work out this grace in their lives” (6).


Chapter 2: The Graciousness You Need

A gracious heart, and by extension gracious speech, is expected among Christians. Crotts defines gracious speech as “words and tones marked by pleasantness, kindness, the will to help, to encourage, and to convey regard” (11). The book of Proverbs is filled with reminders for Christians to use words characterized by grace and gentleness. Even when a situation calls for rebuke, it should be marked by a “gracious intent” (12).

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Reformation Heritage Books, 2018 | 148 pages

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