Video Interview with Sharon James, author of GENDER IDEOLOGY: WHAT DO CHRISTIANS NEED TO KNOW?

Published on June 1, 2021 by Eugene Ho

Christian Focus, 2019 | 132 pages

An Author Interview from Books At a Glance

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Greetings, I’m Fred Zaspel, and welcome to another Author Interview on Books At a Glance. We are talking today with Sharon James about her important and very helpful book, Gender Ideology: What Do Christians Need to Know? It would be difficult to imagine a timelier subject for our cultural moment, and we are glad to have Mrs. James with us today to talk about her book.

Sharon, welcome, and thanks for a really very helpful little book.

Thank you so much for the invite and for the great ministry you have.

First, tell us what your book is all about and the contribution you hope to make.

Today’s transgenderism is one of the biggest social and moral debates in the United States, the United Kingdom, and elsewhere. The activists are promoting a theory that says we all have something called a gender identity independent from biological sex. As Christians, we want to treat everyone with dignity. All people have been created in God’s image. We want to love our neighbor and treat them with dignity.

In today’s context, what does real respect and compassion look like? Does it mean we have to endorse everything someone claims about themselves? My book is a short and simple guide to gender theory; what it is, where it has come from, and the damaging consequences, and how we should respond. I distinguish between activists who are promoting this false ideology, and those suffering from gender confusion. Those suffering may not want to promote the gender ideology. But they are victims of it! And to help them we must understand what gender theory is.

What is “gender theory”? And what are some of its claims?

It says we all have a thing called a gender identity independent of biological sex. It says we may feel we are male, female, neither or something else altogether. It claims we all have the right to choose our own gender identity based on a deeply felt experience. For example, a man claiming to be a woman could demand to take part in a female sport and enter female spaces like a restroom. To refuse could be viewed as wrongful discrimination. If he rapes a woman, he could be sent to a female jail. If a child starts to identify as the opposite sex their parents can risk losing custody if they refuse to support that decision. Or if a church offers counseling to help a gender confused person to accept biological sex that church could face legal action. Misgendering someone is seen as violence. To say that a woman cannot be a man is viewed as wrongful discrimination.

It seems there is no end to the new vocabulary that arises in this context, so it might be helpful here if you would also clarify for us, what is “heterosexism”?

Heterosexism is the idea that man-woman sex is normal. In the past, every culture recognized the central significance of the man-woman bond. Some today want to eliminate it as natural and normal so they label it as “heterosexism” or describe it as “homophobic.” They denounce it all together and say it is binary and oppressive. They want to believe a person with a womb could really be a man.

You point out for the record that “sex change” is really an impossibility. In fact, there is no science to support gender theory, right?

Right. Of course, there are many variations in social roles. The way men and women express their manhood and womanhood is different in varying cultures. That does not negate the reality of the existence of men and women. It does not mean there are more than two genders, male and female. Gender theory denies biological reality. That biological male-female distinction is hardwired into nature. It is impossible to change sex, you can only change appearance.

You can transform a man into someone who looks just like a woman and vice versa, but no amount of intervention can change a man into a woman or vice versa. Because the XX or XY chromosome is set at conception. Those chromosomes are found in nearly every cell of the body. A DNA test will always reveal who you truly are. Nothing can change that fundamental genetic makeup.

What do they do with all the science?

They can kind of deny biological reality. Our culture denies we have been created by God. If you chuck out the idea of a creator God, you reject creation as a given to be respected. They demand the right to deconstruct and reconstruct ourselves as we please. They demand personal freedom which means we can choose our own identity and make our own rules.

The reality is that our biological sex is our gender, and heterosexuality quite obviously is normal. All this has been a given for all human history. How did we get to the point where this is not a given? Where does all this demanded denial of biological reality come from?

It is a part of a much bigger movement. It flows out of a denial of God as creator. The claim is that all reality is socially constructed. We construct it for ourselves. Gender theory is just a part of something much bigger. Critical theory is where we construct our own reality. Gender theory is now embedded everywhere. It is in our legal system and schools. There is the desire to reshape society for everyone. There are storybooks for children that promote the idea that we can change our gender.

We should remind ourselves of the biblical framework that should guide our thinking in all this. Give us an overview of what you cover in chapter 5 of your book.

We are male and female by design. God teaches us about his power, glory, and beauty through nature and the created order. We call this general revelation. Then to explain the significance of creation, the character of the creation, and the way to salvation, he gives us special revelation. We know there is perfect harmony between those two sources of revelation. We know that men and women enjoy absolute equality of dignity. We also know he created us with significant differences. Together we have the capacity to be fruitful. We believe God created man and woman and ordained marriage for all cultures and all times. The Christian church needs to speak out for God’s creation design and against gender theory. Sadly, some sections of the professing church have bought into the current worldview. Individual experience is placed over Scripture. We need to be alert to this. It is the outworking of theological liberalism.

Tell us your suggestions in chapter 7 as to how Christians should respond to all this.

I conclude positively with a tenfold call to respect human dignity. We can only do that properly when we understand we are made by God in his image. We are to respect the ecology of humanity. The created order should not be defied. We should respect the vocation of doctors who should do no harm. They should not be forced to mutilate or damage healthy bodies. We should respect the vulnerability and innocence of children. We should allow them to grow up securely in their identity of male and female.

We should respect parents who are far more likely to have the best interest of their children rather than the state. We should respect the privacy and safety of women and girls. We should respect free speech. It is important to respect stories and testimonies of those who regret their transitions. We should respect truth and our creator God. We do that when we stand very firm on the foundation of his revealed will.

Before you go give us a brief overview of your book so our viewers can know what to expect.

As well as explaining what gender ideology is, I describe why it has arisen how it has been promoted. I look at the impact on children and give advice to parents. I wanted it to be useful in any country. It has already been translated into German, Spanish, and Romanian. I want Christians to be confident in the truth that we have been created, male and female. I want us to be better equipped to protect the next generation from lies that will lead to lasting physical and emotional harm.

And you have another book that is just out now – tell us about that.

My book is called How Christianity Transformed the World. Today we all regard justice, freedom, and compassion as fundamental to human flourishing. But where do those ideals come from? They are based on the biblical worldview. Despite the many claims today that Christianity has been a toxic influence in history, this book shows that we have a great story to tell. From the inception of the church at Pentecost, we see Christians have challenged injustice and abuse and provided care for the needy in all sorts of ways. Christianity has had a beneficial and widespread impact on all areas of human life.

(Editor’s Note: Sharon talks about this new book in our Author Interview here.)

We are talking to Sharon James about her very timely book, Gender Ideology: What Do Christians Need to Know? It is brief, but it is packed and to the point. And it is also very needed – buy two boxes of these to distribute widely.

Sharon, thanks so much for your good work and for talking to us today.

Thank you so much!


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Christian Focus, 2019 | 132 pages