Book Notice: CHRIST AND THE CAESARS, by Ethelbert Stauffer

Published on December 6, 2017 by Joshua R Monroe

Wipf & Stock, 2008 | 293 pages

A Brief Book Notice from Books At a Glance

This compellingly interesting book, fascinating and useful simply for the ancient history it retells, provides invaluable background for New Testament studies. The historical details that are reflected in John’s Revelation alone are worth the price of the book, several times over.

Somehow I’d missed this book until recently. It was originally published in 1954, now in a new edition from Wipf & Stock. Stauffer, a universalist, should be read with caution at times, but his historical research was landmark. A captivating and very rewarding resource.


Fred Zaspel

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Christ and the Caesars

Wipf & Stock, 2008 | 293 pages

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