Weekly Recap July 30, 2016
Don’t miss this week’s discussion between Dr. Mike Ovey, Dr. Fred Sanders, Dr. Scott Swain, and Dr. Steve Wellum on the Trinity, submission, subordination and other related issues. Also, make sure to check out our reviews of Vern Poythress’ book…
Trends and Opportunities in Church-Based Counseling Ministry
Guest blog by Robert W. Kellemen, author of Gospel-Centered Counseling I was recently interviewed on a national podcast about my book Gospel-Centered Counseling: How Christ Changes Lives. Two of the most interesting questions related to trends and opportunities in biblical…
A Third Updated Edition of the Great Trinity Debate
The 2016 Trinity Debate: A Bibliography Is it Okay to Teach a Complementarianism Based on Eternal Subordination?** Compiled by Jack Jeffery A bibliography of articles and posts in the current debate (began 3 JUN 2016)[1] concerning the eternal subordination of God…
Listen in as Four Theologians Discuss the Trinity Debate
[audio mp3="http://booksataglance.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Trinity-discussion.mp3"][/audio] If you’re interested in theology, and unless you have no access at all to cyberspace, you’re aware of the recent debate regarding the Trinity. But perhaps you haven’t kept up. Or maybe you’ve tried to keep up…
Weekly Recap July 23, 2016
Good things going on this week! Make sure to check out our summary of Christopher Holmes book The Holy Spirit. We also sat down with David Mathis to talk about his books on habits of grace. Don’t miss our reviews of…
Notions of Homosexual Orientation in Antiquity and the Christian Hope of Transforming Grace
A Guest Blog by Rollin G. Grams Introduction In the 1980s, certain scholars in mainline denominations began to assemble a case for homosexuality. They claimed, among other things, that what we mean by ‘homosexuality’ is not what Biblical texts meant. One…
An Updated Bibliography on the 2016 Trinity Debate
The 2016 Trinity Debate: A Bibliography Is it Okay to Teach a Complementarianism Based on Eternal Subordination?** Compiled by Jack Jeffery A bibliography of articles and posts in the current debate (began 3 JUN 2016)[1] concerning the eternal subordination of God…
Weekly Recap July 16, 2016
Plenty of new material to see this week! Our summary of Scott Christensen’s book about free will and our interview with Gloria Furman on her new book are of note. Make sure not to miss out on K. Scott Oliphint’s…
It’s no secret that the Protestant Reformers of the 16th century had a particular interest in the apostle Paul. They shared full agreement with the church fathers in matters pertaining to the person and natures of Christ, for which, for…
What’s So “Covenantal” About Apologetics?
Guest Blog by K. Scott Oliphint First on the list of questions I am asked about apologetics is why I prefer the term “covenantal.” Let me first say that the term has nothing to do with a change of apologetic…
The 2016 Trinity Debate: A Bibliography
The 2016 Trinity Debate: A Bibliography Is it Okay to Teach a Complementarianism Based on Eternal Subordination? Compiled by Jack Jeffery A bibliography of articles and posts in the current debate (began 3 JUN 2016)[1] concerning the eternal subordination of…
Weekly Recap July 9, 2016
This week we summarized two of Francis Schaeffer’s works: Escape from Reason and He Is There and He Is Not Silent. We also heard from Craig Blomberg on the reliability of the New Testament canon!
The Historical Reliability of the New Testament: Craig Blomberg and His Books
We recently asked Craig Blomberg to talk to us about his books, and in response he has given us a very informative survey of his important work … and of some yet to come! Guest Blog by Craig Blomberg…
Weekly Recap June 26, 2016
Catch up on our weekly summary, BB Warfield’s Plan of Salvation, and all the rest. Any questions? Visit our Facebook page or our Twitter.
Weekly Recap July 2, 2016
Don’t miss this weeks new content! Among other thing we summarized B.B. Warfield’s classic work The Plan of Salvation, interviewed Stephen Wellum about Progressive Covenantalism, reviewed two works on different parts of the Old Testament and had a timely guest post…
Multiple Denominations, Common Evangelicalism
A Guest Blog from Anthony Chute, Chris Morgan, and Robert Peterson For most outside the church, and increasingly many inside the church, denominational differences are viewed as nothing more than petty disagreements among strong-willed religious partisans. Opposition to denominations ranges anywhere…
Weekly Recap June 25, 2016
Lots of good content this week. Don’t miss our summary of Hans F. Bayer’s A Theology of Mark, also of note is Daniel I. Block’s new commentary on the book of Ruth! This week we also posted a bibliography of…
Is it Okay to Teach a Complementarianism Based on Eternal Subordination?
A guest blog by John T. “Jack” Jeffery A bibliography of articles and posts in the current debate (began 3 June 2016) concerning the eternal subordination of God the Son to God the Father in relation to the complementarian/egalitarian controversy…